Emergency Dental Appointments

in Sunnyvale, TX and Mesquite, TX


OliveTree Dentistry

At OliveTree Dentistry, we understand how painful and stressful dental emergencies can be. As part of our commitment to providing quality care to our valued patients, we offer emergency dental appointments to get your smile back on track. You can always count on us for the gentle, compassionate care you and your loved ones deserve!

How Can You Determine if You Are Experiencing a Dental Emergency?

Emergency dental care is required to address severe toothaches, mouth trauma, or broken teeth. If you are unsure whether you or a loved one are experiencing a dental emergency, consider the following questions: Is there pain or uncontrolled bleeding? Are there any signs of infection, including fever or swelling? Are there any bumps on the gums? Has there been a blow to the face or mouth? Is there a loose or knocked-out tooth? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you are likely experiencing a dental emergency and will need to contact our office for urgent dental care.

What Are Some Common Dental Emergencies?

Here are some common dental emergencies and things you can do to ensure the best possible treatment outcomes:

  • A Painful Tooth: Severe pain often indicates an infection, which is considered a dental emergency. Rinse with warm water and floss around the affected area to remove any lodged object that may be the cause of the pain. Pain killers may offer some relief but refrain from placing them directly on the affected area to prevent damage to the gum tissue.
  • Facial Swelling: Swelling can result from an abscess, infection, or tooth fracture. Call us immediately for urgent care. We will diagnose the cause of the swelling and will treat the condition to alleviate your discomfort and prevent any complications.
  • Knocked-Out (Avulsed) Tooth: Try to return the tooth to its socket, making sure not to touch its roots. If that is not an option, store it in some milk and call us right away! A knocked-out tooth has the best chances of being saved if treated within an hour of injury.
  • A Displaced (Luxated) Tooth: Place gentle pressure on the displaced tooth and call us for an emergency appointment.
  • Accident or Trauma: A blow to the face can cause severe damage to the teeth, jawbones, or soft tissue. Contact us immediately for an emergency appointment.
  • A Chipped, Cracked, or Fractured Tooth: Place a cold compress to reduce swelling, if present, and contact us for an appointment.
  • Lost Crown or Filling: Use over-the-counter dental cement to temporarily keep a crown in place or replace a filling until you can come in to see us.

What Should You Expect During Your Emergency Appointment?

Dental emergencies can be stressful, so we would like to reassure you that you will receive outstanding, comfortable care. Our gentle approach and sedation options will take the edge off any dental procedure.

The goal of an emergency appointment is to save a tooth, address injuries, and to alleviate pain. Your visit will likely begin with a physical exam and digital x-rays to evaluate the damage and determine the best treatment course. Our emergency dentist will provide customized treatments for the best possible outcomes.

Emergency Dental Appointments Near Me

Please keep our office phone number on hand: 469-248-3455. If you or a loved one require an emergency dental appointment, contact OliveTree Dentistry right away. We are fully equipped to provide urgent dental care and services designed to restore healthy, functional smiles!

Request Your Appointment Today

Please click the link to conveniently schedule your appointment with OliveTree Dentistry. A member of our team will contact you to confirm your selection. We look forward to caring for your smile!